Kevin Heinze Grow offers engaging therapeutic horticulture programs for people with disabilities on Saturday mornings from 9am – 1pm. Spaces are available at our Coburg and Doncaster sites NOW!

Activities can be tailored to cater for individual interests and may include potting up, propagation, garden maintenance, nature-based craft and social activities which all take place in our peaceful garden settings. The Saturday program is welcoming to all ages and all-abilities and is facilitated by an experienced team of professional, experienced and caring staff.

KHG’s therapeutic horticulture programs provide a range of physical and psychological benefits. Participants can socialise while working in a group setting learning about teamwork, practicing their social skills and building confidence. Our programs can also assist development of planning and decision-making skills as well as patience and attention to detail. Coming along to Kevin Heinze Grow as part of a regular program can help people develop friendships and provide them with a sense of belonging.

If you’re interested in coming along to Kevin Heinze Grow on a Saturday, please email our friendly Client Services Team

KHG is a registered NDIS Provider.