What is Speech Therapy?
Speech Therapists or Speech Pathologists work with people to assess communication and/or swallowing difficulties, and can provide intervention, tools or strategies to support an individual’s needs. This can include:
- Developing confidence with and/or knowledge of how to communicate for a range of functions
- Improving communication ability through augmentative and alternative communication strategies
- Communication partner training to ensure others understand your communication
- Mealtime plans and swallowing assessments to ensure safe eating and drinking
- Assisting with understanding and use of social communication.
Click here to download Speech Therapy flyer (PDF 618 kb)

Accessing Speech Therapy at KHG
Additional benefits of accessing Speech Therapy
through Kevin Heinze Grow (KHG) include:
• Using the natural environment and engaging
in horticultural therapy which can harness an
individual’s interests and ensure goals are met
in a functional and practical manner
• Being in the outdoors which can also increase
physical and overall wellbeing
• Having the opportunity to connect with others
in a shared garden space can reduce feelings
of isolation and loneliness
• Improved mental health through a sense of
shared purpose and achievement.
Who we work with
At Kevin Heinze Grow we work with adolescents and adults aged 16+ who have a lifelong disability, mental health clients and/ or an acquired disease or condition, such as Autism, Intellectual Disability, Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia, Stroke, or Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).
Speech Therapy at Kevin Heinze Grow can be accessed through:
• private funding
• National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
• Transport Accident Commission (TAC).