KHG Coburg

2A Station St, Coburg, VIC 3058

In 2024, KHG Coburg made the wonderful Ilma Lever Gardens its new home – set up by Ilma Lever and designed specifically for disabled people to learn and enjoy gardening its new home. For 40,000 years this area formed part of the lands of the Wurundjeri peoples of the Kulin Nation.

On this site you will find a well-stocked nursery which sells plants to the public, in a unique community-powered garden which provides a whole range of nature-based experiences for our participants, staff, volunteers and the broader community.

What you might not notice at first glance is that the activities taking place on site are specifically designed to help people grow.


Most of the plants in the nursery are produced by participants in the Kevin Heinze Grow therapeutic horticulture programs under the supervision of qualified horticulturists and our dedicated volunteers.


The people you see at KHG Coburg might be a combination of Kevin Heinze Grow program participants (including participants in the NDIS), volunteers, staff and visitors who use the garden to connect to nature and community.  Our programs are designed to facilitate social connections and opportunities for people to engage in meaningful activities which promote recreation, personal development and wellbeing.

Contact Details

Address: 2A Station St, Coburg VIC 3058

Phone: (03) 9848 3695


Visit us at KHG Coburg